I just ran across the Science Teaching Journal Club. This is so great I had to blog it so I remember. They have online discussions of specific journal articles about science education. They discuss and debate all types of topics including curriculum development, studies of what impacts learning, assessment, etc.
On May 22nd they discussed,
Osborne J, SciÂence EduÂcaÂtion for the Twenty-First CenÂtury EuraÂsia JourÂnal of MathÂeÂmatÂics, SciÂence & TechÂnolÂogy EduÂcaÂtion, 2007, 3(3), 173–184 (pdf link)
Abstract: This paper argues that the domÂiÂnant form of sciÂence eduÂcaÂtion that is comÂmon across the world rests on a set of valÂues that have no merit. MoreÂover, such pracÂtice has a negÂaÂtive impact on stuÂdents’ attiÂtudes to sciÂence. It makes the case that the priÂmary goal of any sciÂence eduÂcaÂtion should be to develop sciÂenÂtific litÂerÂacy and explores what that might conÂsist of and why such an eduÂcaÂtion is necÂesÂsary in conÂtemÂpoÂrary sociÂety. It conÂcludes by examÂinÂing some of the chalÂlenges that such a change might require.
This is a really amazing group which I need to follow more.